Sunday, February 9, 2020

Reminiscing My Childhood

Reminiscing My Childhood: Every person's childhood carries different, joyful and challenging circumstances and I do also have some kinds of child stories and some moment which brings me back to those days, time and often. Very often, I feel privileged and fortunate to be born on an identical middle-class family, when those beautiful and mesmerizing moments provoke on my mind and heart. After being young and struggling in ruthless Kathmandu and confining on a rectangular shape small room and dreaming big parallelly, these kinds of childhood memory provides immense happiness and a  kind of respite from that hectic and busy mind and time at the same time.   
I grew up in a complex family, with the care of grandfather, grandmother. My grandfather was a teacher and so I got a bountiful opportunity to learn from him as a student. On the other hand my grandmother, mother was a housewife so their responsibility was to finish all the household chores and support growing me up with my other younger brother and sister. Those days were completely different from these colorful and brightening days. There was no electricity, no phones, no TVs, but those childhood days were so pleasing and mesmerizing. 
Slowly disappearing rays of the sun used to bring back the evening followed with the dark and fearsome nights for us. Being a small child, dark nights used to be horrifying and scary. There was no electricity at those times so whole the village used to fall into complete dark only putting some beauty by the sound of insects. We used to rely on kerosene light for the brightness at night. My grandfather used to play radio, it used to be around 8 o clock at night. There were no other broadcasting radio channels other than radio Nepal. For the songs, news around the globe and any other information, we need to be catchy and attentive towards radio Nepal. Sometimes melodious and old traditional songs sung on the radio used to hit on my young mind, among them Deuda songs were the one which still gives me subtle pleasure. On those dark nights, music and lyrics of those Deuda songs used to provide some different kinds of impact on my mind. Usually, I used to felt on that music and lyrics of those songs. When I am writing these words, I am envisaging those night crawling and being on a warm lap of my grandfather. Though time has changed, still memories are alive on my mind.  

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